April 04, 2005

Everything is fake now a days

Gosh i am encountering bad things these days. The latest story:

I scheduled a guy for a personal interview after i found him technically sound over the phone.

He came to the campus and i put him to the technical person for the personal interview. After sometime the technical person calls me in the cabin where the interview is going on. I enter the cabin and directly look at the candidate. He is not able to see in my eyes. I asked them " what happened". The technical person tells me that the person has got a fake CV. He is not working in any of these companies. I looked at the person in disbelief. I asked the candidate " where are u working then" he told that he is unemployed and is looking for a job. i thought ok may be he is not having something in his hand and that made him behaved this way. Next question i asked him was " have u ever worked in the companies u have mentioned on your profile?" he did not answer. after a pause i asked him again " Are u working? and if yes how many years of exp u have in real companies?" He slowly said " i dont have any experience and i m jobless"

Suddenly my technical person started off saying that " u cud be behind the bars..we can take a legal action against u...thats not the right way..we are a CMMi Level 5 company and firmly believe in process and everything is being checked here..blah blah blah"
i looked at the technical person ..he controlled himself..then i told the candidate " see its not the rite thing to do..i do understand your desperation for your job but these kind of acts can put u in trouble. How many times did i ask u abt your profile and everytime u gave me a nice answer...i found u technically sound and that was the reason i had arranged this interview"...he did not look up...he was ashamed of being caught red handed...finally i said " Mr.X i have no rights to give a lecture or gyan to someone..but if u really want to succeed in life be true to yourself" Poor guy listened to me patiently. Then i asked him politely to leave. He stood up and apologised. I was looking at his face..i did not feel bad coz he wasted my time and gave a BIG question mark on my work..but felt bad thinking that wat made him do so...umemployement???? or something else?

After that i guess i have witnessed some 7-8 cases. I dont know how do i perform reference check over the phone.


crabhunt said...

Heard of such an incident for the 1st time.

Anonymous said...

Always happens in our business yaar

pradyot said...

I came across your blog since it was ranked 50 on Nedstat. I havent read through all of your blog, so I have no idea which company you are working for, but freshers would not have to resort to this sort of tactic if only companies would be more open to hiring freshers. If the guy was technically sound, but resorted to this method, it implies that he didnt have any other option but to show a fake resume so that at least he would be called for an interview, where he believed that his technical skills would get him through. Not that I defend his action or even relate to him (I was campus recruited and have never had much difficulty finding a job), but still it is food for thought.