May 11, 2016

Have things changed?

When i published the previous post, i went to view how my blog looked like...i had changed the color, layout, fonts, pics & heading so many times in past. 

I started reading couple of old posts of mine and realised i had written some of them 10 years back...its really been long....i was wondering if its blogger that changed or is it me?

Why do i sound so different in those post? i can feel from the writings that i was young and carefree...i dont sound same any more...i still revisit my "hall of shame", i still do silly things, i still drop things clumsily and i still laugh at myself, but its still not the same!

i dont mind being stupid again, it was fun and i will trade off anything to be back in the same time...

and the year went by...

A girl who had it in her fate to move every 2-3 years from any location had finally thought that the stability arrived in her life as she managed to stay in one city for almost 7 years in a  row. The exception to the rule was it was not in the same house, trend of moving to new houses continued at the same pace.  As she fought with her destiny to not move from the city atleast, destiny decided to apply full force by throwing a stronger dislocation.

Yep i wouldnt call it a relocation. Relocation is always for a reason and may have a positive side to it (may not be the happy one though), on the contrary dislocation is when you arent sure what happened to you and why you moved.

I am not saying i wasnt aware of where i was going or i was forced to move, my fight and reasoning is to myself this time. I keep questioning myself - if what i did is what i expected to do in my life?

Exactly an year back, i left my country to move to states...i am still waiting to put an acceptable reason to it and move on in life by giving myself an excuse - "Atleast this good happened out of this!"

 It is definitely a bitter sweet experience to relocate at this stage...Its not about the age, but the stage!