January 12, 2007

Latest You Tube's Controversy

Just saw the You tube’s (Gandhi) controversy in NDTV. Came to system and watched the video. It is indeed shameful. Gautham Prasad, the creator of this funny video has made fun of a figure, who is respected by Indians. How can he do that when his roots are from the same country. I don’t like Gandhi and never liked his strategies but this mocking pole dancing Gandhi wasn’t a good sight. Like it or not but people who leave the country feel that they can say/do anything they like in India. The protests have clearly indicated that Gautham’s creation was not supported. But one thing gautham gained was the popularity which I guess he as a clown would never had.

If you out of curiosity feel like watching this video then search for “Time to get sexy” and Gautham id there is “Yogamime”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that there can be positive portrayals of Gandhi and inappropriate ones. Here is an example of a positive one:
