June 14, 2011

Relationship Priority Meter (RPM)

Sometimes it good to have priorities clear in life else one can screw all the things together. The same holds good even for relationships in life. One needs to understand and attach an importance to these based on which he/she can do justice. It's just like the mathematics weighted average concept. If we will keep on assuming that all people are of similar importance and we need to treat them equal then ofcourse all the people will remain unhappy from you because you wouldn't be able to match their expectations all the time.

If it's complicated to comprehend then do an exercise and you may be able to arrive at some number which may be of some help. You can have three/four parameters which you can consider in arriving at a logical conclusion like importance of the relationship, trust in the relation etc etc. an example of what came in mind is as follow:

Priority = Importance of the relationship (A) x trust in the relationship (B) x compatibility (C) x Future Support (D) x Dependency from them (E)

Post assigning weightages it will look like this:

Final Priority = (A * % assigned) + (B * % assigned) + ( C * % assigned) + (D * % assigned) + (E * % assigned)

Select a scale: 1 to 5 as it's neither too small nor too big for calculations. 1 = Poor, 2= Below Average, 3= Average, 4= Good, 5= Excellent
Weightages: can be assigned from a scale of 10 – 100% to each parameter. (Better to have in multiples of 10 for easy calculations)
For best results use excel sheet's columns and rows to quickly calculate your Relationship Priority Meter (RPM)

The sooner we understand this the better we are in dealing with the mess. People who realize this after trying to please everyone know what they have done and what they have lost in the due course.

Also another important aspect of managing the degree of relationship depends on the kind of relation you have with a person, how the equations have developed over last few years and what impact it is having now on you and people around/associated with you. We will always find people preaching on how to handle situations, how to manage perceptions and how to balance between varied relations but believe me the ones preaching are always the one who would have lost the game somewhere in life. J

How I came on the formula: I have been working with people who evaluate everything with number and facts so I was wondering if this can also be translated into the number game and can yield a logical conclusion. I can be biased because its my formula but would love to know if this formula helps in arriving at a logical conclusion…

1 comment:

amit said...

Looks like more of a male engineer's post rather than a post coming from a lady!

anyways, stumbled upon your blog after a loooooong time! Once upon a time, i was a regular@ enjoyingmyself.blogspot.com

Good to see you doing well!